Leslie is the creative force behind White Buffalo Studio and a trailblazing entrepreneur in the world of design. As the owner of a boutique design studio, she specializes in selling market led, commercial prints to apparel brands and companies.

With over fifteen years of experience, Leslie has sat on many sides of the industry, from freelance work to in-house positions. Her journey includes founding a studio and establishing a digital print agency, making her a seasoned professional who truly understands the inner workings of the design world.

Leslie's passion for surface pattern designs for apparel led her to establish the Print Life Podcast, where she shares invaluable insights and resources with aspiring artists seeking to build successful careers. Her unwavering commitment lies in reshaping the industry's landscape by prioritizing sustainable design practices, amplifying the visibility of independent designers and small studios, and crafting a business that empowers individuals to achieve work-life balance and craft a life they love.

Who is Leslie Kenehan?

Celebrating the Intersection of Design, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment

A few of my favorite things...

Shopping the stores... It is so important to know your market. Trends aside, it is all about understanding your clients and their customers needs as best you can.

drink the wild air...

Living close to the mountains...and the sea! Just a short drive from the Santa Monica Mountains and Malibu.

Having my own business and working from home... It isn't always easy, but it is worth it. Having the freedom and flexibility to make your own schedule is priceless.

Skill and an artistic eye are just a part of  the process when it comes to creating a lasting career in apparel print design.

Not all of us were taught sales & marketing in art school and finding the right information for our industry can be hard to piece together.

Your prints deserve more than to sit unseen in an unfinished portfolio and you deserve more than the constant mind-boggle of wondering what to do next to truly grow your business.

It’s time someone pulled back the curtains and showed you step-by-step how to start and grow a successful print design business. If this sounds like you, then The Print Life Membership was created for you! And I know how you feel because, I once was in your shoes.

Dream of selling your surface designs in apparel?

click here for more!

"The program is a step by step guide on how to navigate the world of pattern design. It walks you through each different stage for you to truly understand who you are designing for and why and how to reach out and make a living doing what you dream of."

— melissa

make a living doing what you dream of...